KS3 and KS4
Structured sessions held in our designated learning spaces (which range from an indoor classroom to a woodland glade) with links to the National Curriculum.
1 hour session |
Max 30 children |
£48 per session |
Adaptation – Bird Beaks
Explore the amazing range of shapes and sizes shown by birds’ beaks, from scoops and sieves to spears and nutcrackers. Gather different foods using artificial ‘beaks’ to discover how they must fit the bird’s diet and what clues they can give about their owner’s lifestyle. A messy and fun way to learn about how animals are adapted to their environment!
N.B. Please notify us in advance of any food allergies.
Careers Day
Ever wondered if you could be a zookeeper or how much goes on behind the scenes in order to keep a zoo operating? This bespoke session allows you to meet some of our staff, including keepers and conservation officers, listen to their experiences and ask them questions. The organisation of this session depends on how the size of your group and their year level(s), so please contact us to discuss details before booking.
‘CSI: Wildwood – Who Killed Mr Bunny?’
Our award-winning forensic science workshop! Use your investigative skills to solve a woodland murder mystery, based on real-life predator-prey relationships. Working in small teams, students will examine physical evidence, draw their own conclusions and report back on their findings until the culprit is identified!
Evolution and Inheritance
Learn through dressing up which human characteristics you inherited and find out whether your genes are dominant or recessive. Discover the ways that adaptations develop and how over time they can lead to the evolution of a completely separate species.
Invertebrate Sampling
Practice measuring distribution, frequency and abundance of species within a habitat by sifting woodland leaf litter for invertebrates. Collect live specimens using pooters, then classify them with identification keys. Compare two different areas of woodland to understand how biotic and abiotic factors affect invertebrate communities.
Please note: this session takes place in woodland so be aware of uneven flooring and poor weather conditions.
Not available in Winter.
Owl Pellets
Dissect your own owl pellets in this hands-on workshop to uncover the remnant bones of their prey. Use identification keys to discover which species the owls have been eating and learn how this can provide important information about the ecosystem.
Plastics and Recycling
Learn about the different materials we use in our modern lives and how long they take to degrade. Find out why plastic is of special concern from an environmental perspective, and how plastics recycling works. Practice recycling sorting and explore what you can do to reduce waste.
Rainforests may seem a world away from Wildwood, but there are more similarities than you might think. Compare tropical rainforests with our local woodlands, examine which Wildwood animals have unexpected jungle cousins and discover how everyone can help to save these vibrant and diverse ecosystems.
Super Sleuths
Test your detective skills and knowledge of mammal adaptation in this team competition. Handle skulls, antlers, horns and skins in order to answer questions and discover how these features help animals to survive in their environment.
We offer bespoke experiences at no additional charge.
For further information, contact our Education department on education@wildwoodtrust.org or 01227 937451.
Animal Focus Talks
Short talks on specific animals, delivered at that animal’s enclosure. Visit an animal of your choice (subject to births and seasonal behaviour), find out more about them and have your questions answered by a member of our education team. Typically, animal artefacts will be available for handling, such as fur or replica skulls.
15 minute session |
Max 15 children |
£22 per session |
Please note: on health and safety grounds, visitors do not touch or feed the animals.
For further information, contact our Education department on education@wildwoodtrust.org or 01227 937451.
1 hour session |
Max 30 children |
£48 per session |
Discover more about the animals at Wildwood with fantastic facts about their lifestyles, habitats, diet and conservation. Ideal for a fun day out or if you don’t want to focus on a single topic. Students will observe at least six of our animals and have their questions answered by a member of our education team.
Learn what makes each species so well adapted to their individual lifestyles with a closer look at predator and prey species, as well as climbers, swimmers and burrowers. Apply first-hand observations to recognise physical and behavioural adaptations. Students will view at least six of our animals and have their questions answered by a member of our education team. Please let us know if there are specific animals or topics that you would like incorporated.
Discover how human interactions with their environment have affected wild animal species living in Britain. Negative examples include persecution, regional extinction and invasive species, while positive case-studies cover rewilding, reintroduction and habitat conservation. Students will observe at least six of our animals and have their questions answered by a member of our education team. Please let us know if there are specific animals or topics that you would like incorporated.
For further information, please contact our Education department on education@wildwoodtrust.org or 01227 937451.