Not everyone can visit Wildwood in person, due to distance and costs, but there are other options.
Schools across Kent can benefit from Outreach. Our team bring wildlife and conservation into your classroom with interactive demonstrations and natural artefacts to handle such as skulls, furs, feathers and antlers. Most of our workshops can be delivered as Outreach sessions, up to a maximum of four workshops per day.
All workshops are curriculum-linked, but our education programme is very flexible and we can adapt sessions to meet your curriculum needs.
Our radius for outreach visits is set at 20 miles. If you fall outside this radius, please contact us to check if we would be able to visit your group.

General Notes
Workshops are designed to be delivered to a class of 30 pupils.
Workshops last approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour (they can be made shorter for younger ages if needed).
At least one member of school staff must be present at all times during the sessions.
Discipline and good behaviour of the children remains the responsibility of the school staff.
No animals were harmed or killed to obtain natural-history artefacts. Furs, skulls and bones come from animals that died naturally.

Outreach Notes
Up to a maximum of four workshops in one day.
Tutors require a short break in between each one to reset or move between classes.
Tutors may occasionally require assistance unloading equipment.
We aim to let you know in advance if specific requirements are needed for workshops.
Animal fur features in some workshops so teachers will need to make Wildwood tutors aware of any children who suffer from fur allergies.
Please alert the Wildwood tutor to any special needs that pupils may have.

Zoom notes
We aim to let you know in advance if specific requirements are needed for workshops.
Please alert the Wildwood tutor to any special needs that pupils may have.
A test link-up is strongly advised no more than 48 hours before the session.
The following workshops are suitable for outreach
Hibernation and Winter Survival
Let’s Talk Wolf
Food chains
Hibernation and Winter Survival
Let’s Talk Wolf
Variety of Life
Food Chains
Hibernation and Winter Survival
Let’s Talk Wolf
Plastics & Recycling
Variety of Life
Evolution and Inheritance
Let’s Talk Wolf
Plastics & Recycling
Evolution &Inheritance
Plastics & Recycling
For further information, contact our Education department on education@wildwoodtrust.org or 01227 937451.