Lower KS2
Structured sessions held in our designated learning spaces (which range from an indoor classroom to a woodland glade) with links to the National Curriculum.
1 hour session |
Max 30 children |
£48 per session |
Awesome Owls
Hear about an owl’s terrible table manners, what they like to eat and how they catch their food in the dark. Find out which adaptations make these birds so stealthy and if owls really do all say ‘too-whit-too-whoo’.
Busy Bees
Honeybee numbers have crashed terribly in recent years, but why should that worry us? Uncover the hidden world of these vital and complex insects. Practise the bee dance, get a bees-eye view of the world and unravel the secrets of how to make honey.
‘CSI: Wildwood – Who Killed Mr Bunny?’
Our award-winning forensic science workshop! Use your investigative skills to solve a woodland murder mystery, based on real-life predator-prey relationships. Working in small teams, students will examine physical evidence, draw their own conclusions and report back on their findings until the culprit is identified! Please note: this session takes place in woodland so be aware of uneven flooring and poor weather conditions.
Food Chains
Learn the differences between producers, predators and prey through dressing up. Play games to show how all parts of a food chain depend upon each other. Get hands on with amazing carnivore, herbivore and omnivore skulls to investigate their differences and see if you can identify who is who.
Food, Digestion and Poo
How do our bodies turn the food we eat into useful ingredients and what happens to the waste? An adventure from our teeth, through our tummies to the end, that reveals the basic functions of the human digestive system through messy hands-on experiments. Finish off with an animal poo quiz featuring genuine animal poo!
Green Plants
Explore through role play what a plant needs to grow, then get hands-on with some live plants to name their different parts and determine their functions. Play the pollination game, handle a variety of real seeds and discover the diverse ways that they are spread.
Forests, deserts, grasslands, caverns – habitats come in a bewildering variety. Discover what animals need from their habitat in order to survive. Find out through roleplay which animals live in which habitat and why they are so well suited to living there, which introduces adaptations. Then put your detective skills to the test by matching genuine animal artefacts with their true habitat.
Hibernation and Winter Survival
Explore what seasonal changes happen within a woodland during the winter and why this causes problems for many of its residents. Experience what hibernation is like and why it can be risky. And discover alternative ways of surviving winter used by animals that don’t hibernate.
Let’s Talk Wolf
Meet Wilf the wolf puppet as we reveal the surprising ways that wolves communicate with each other. Take a closer look at how posture and body language are used by both wolves and humans to show their emotions. Test your senses against those of a wolf through fun challenges and compete in a howl-off as we teach you to do it properly!
Certain organisms undergo extreme changes through their lives – their adult and juvenile forms may even be accidentally identified as separate species! Experience through roleplay what a seed needs to grow. Discuss whether tadpoles are more like frogs or fishes. Follow the transformation of a butterfly by dressing-up, then try sorting insect life-cycle models into their correct order.
Nature Detectives
A zoologist is much like a detective, but instead of using clues to solve crimes, it’s a case of studying tracks and signs to learn more about wildlife. From footprints and feathers to nests and gnaw-marks, examine a selection of natural artefacts and investigate which animals made them – and for what purpose.
Plastics and Recycling
Learn about the different materials we use in our modern lives and how long they take to degrade. Find out why plastic is of special concern from an environmental perspective, and how plastics recycling works. Practice recycling sorting and explore what you can do to reduce waste.
Enter the dangerous world of predatory animals to find out if they’re really as bad as we believe. Meet some unexpected British predators and investigate the benefits and drawbacks of being a carnivore. Explore the remarkable senses used by hunting animals and discover why predators are vital to their environments.
Rainforests may seem a world away from Wildwood, but there are more similarities than you might think. Compare tropical rainforests with our local woodlands, examine which Wildwood animals have unexpected jungle cousins and discover how everyone can help to save these vibrant and diverse ecosystems.
Real learning with real bones! From skulls to scapulas, our collection of genuine animal bones demonstrates how to recognise different types of bone, such as ribs, vertebrae and limb bones. Compare them with our replica human skeleton, discover what purpose your skeleton actually serves and investigate which animals don’t have any bones at all.
Variety of Life
Millions of animals share Planet Earth with us in a dazzling variety of shapes, sizes, colours and lifestyles. Learn how scientists practise classification by sorting plastic models. Dress up to discover how to distinguish between backboned animals such as birds, mammals and reptiles – who has fur, feathers, scales or gills? Investigate similarities and differences by getting hands-on with genuine animal artefacts.
Looking to learn about history? Check out our Living History and Blean Bison Project pages to step into the past with hands-on workshops and tours.
We offer bespoke experiences at no additional charge.
For further information, contact our Education department on education@wildwoodtrust.org or 01227 937451.
Animal Focus Talks
Short talks on specific animals, delivered at that animal’s enclosure.
Visit an animal of your choice (subject to births and seasonal behaviour), find out more about them and have your questions answered by a member of our education team.
Typically, animal artefacts will be available for handling, such as fur or replica skulls.
15 minute session |
Max 15 children |
£22 per session |
On health and safety grounds, visitors are not permitted to touch or feed the animals.
For further information, contact our Education department on education@wildwoodtrust.org or 01227 937451.
1 hour session |
Max 30 children |
£48 per session |
Discover more about the animals at Wildwood with fantastic facts about their lifestyles, habitats, diet and conservation. Ideal for a fun day out or if you don’t want to focus on a single topic. Students will observe at least six of our animals and have their questions answered by a member of our education team.
Visit a variety of our animals to take a closer look at predator and prey species, as well as climbers, swimmers and burrowers. Find out more about their individual physical and behavioural adaptations. Students will observe at least six of our animals and have their questions answered by a member of our education team.
Visit a variety of our animals to learn how changes in their wild environment have impacted their species and what can be done to help them. Students will observe at least six of our animals and have their questions answered by a member of our education team.
Learn about animal homes naturally occurring in our ancient woodland setting and within our enclosures, including badger setts, otter holts, wolf dens and ant nests. Discover how each animal is suited to life in their particular habitat. Students will observe at least six of our animals and have their questions answered by a member of our education team.
Hungry Mouths
Discover what our animals eat both in captivity and in the wild. Compare a carnivore, a herbivore and an omnivore and learn how to recognise prey animals from predators. Students will observe at least six of our animals and have their questions answered by a member of our education team.
For further information, contact our Education department on education@wildwoodtrust.org or 01227 937451.